Help keep American popular music alive the Q with your gift!
All of us at Quality Hill Playhouse wish you and yours a healthy, happy holiday season. We are so grateful for the support that has kept the music play at the Q for 29 years! Things are returning to "normal", but we still need your help as we enter our 30th year.
MAKE A ONE-TIME DONATION - this helps us now.
Your gift of any amount makes a difference. You may also be eligible to make a tax-deductible donation from your IRA (please call us for more information).
JOIN THE QUALITY HILL PLAYHOUSE ROYALTY - this helps us pay for the songs.
For each performance, we pay a royalty fee for the rights to perform the songs in public. Your gift of $150 covers one performance. Join us in supporting one - or all four remaining shows this season!
Fundraising is an ongoing effort. Your monthly gift helps us plan ahead and know that we can count on income throughout the year.
Will you please consider making an end of the year gift and joining the Sustaining Member? Your $25 or more per month will be a big help.
I appreciate your support and am hopeful you’ll continue to help us remain Kansas City’s original home for classic and classy cabaret.
- J. Kent Barnhart
As a non-profit organization, we rely on donations, grants, ticket sales, and season subscriptions to operate.
Now more than ever, we need your help as we bring back live entertainment to Quality Hill.